The MGPE program is a very well situated in bustling metropolis of Hong Kong. The close connection to experts in the field as well as those scholars on campus at Chinese University have been very helpful in broadening my understanding of what we really mean by "global political economy". If I think back at my expectations for the course and the feeling that I now have afterwards, I would say that this was definitely a rewarding experience. My peers were top graduates from universities in Hong Kong, Mainland China, and abroad, all with different levels of knowledge in the subject matter thus enabling us to learn from each other. Moreover, as political economy by its very name is inter-disciplinary in nature, I don't feel that we were ever pigeonholed into one particular area. As the world tries to grapple with a system in limbo, we will need to incorporate more broad voices across the social-science spectrum to meet those challenges, MGPE has brought me a step closer to actively engaging in the discussion.